TEDx - "Why You Should Fall Recklessly In Love"

In the middle of 2016, not yet even a full year in remission, I took the TEDx stage to finally tell my story. A tremendous amount of emotional investment went into this talk and constructing each word made me explore parts of my past that I hadn't yet come to terms with.

The overwhelming amount of support from all over the world that the talk has received has been incredibly humbling and I can't express enough how grateful I am to read each and every personal message it sparks. We all have our own crosses to bear, burdens to fight, and broken hearts to mend, but in those dark moments we are given the chance to become something better than we ever thought possible.

Never take for granted the chance to fall so deeply in love with someone who makes you think you're strong enough to change the world. Set out each day to re-arrange the stars and never let your marks of a life worth dying for define you. 

Adam Casey, once an Officer with the Navy, and then USMC Infantry Officer, a former BIG 12 Student-Athlete at Mizzou, and a cancer survivor discusses the power of falling in love. Founder of "I Do It For Her", a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, that dares individuals to be courageous enough to become something better than they ever thought possible.